At the End of the 1000 Years


The Second Resurrection will occur after the one thousand years (Millennium) rule of Christ and the Church on this earth. Christ will demonstrate to all the glory of God’s rule and some who become believers in Him and those who are born and die during the Millennium will be in the Second Resurrection along with all unbelievers covering all the ages (John 5:28,29 – Revelation 20:5,6 – Daniel 12:22 – 2Peter 2:4 – 1 Corinthians 6:2,3). They, together with the fallen angels, will all come to stand before the Great White Throne where God will sit and judge all. The Lamb’s Book of Life will be opened which will have a list of all the new believers who were converted during the Millennium, for the purpose of confirmation of entry into heaven.

The believers who were resurrected at the time of the First Resurrection will not be judged at the second resurrection, because as we have seen, previously they had already repented, accepting the blood, the truth of Christ by faith without seeing Him.
14.4. The White Throne

This brings us to the first group to come before God at the White Throne. This group is found in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 20:15). These are all who have become believers and obeyed God’s Word and lived a righteous life during the Millennium and acknowledged the sovereignty of Christ and worshipped Him (Zechariah 14:16-21) and who will overcome the Great Testing at the end of the Millennium (Revelation 20:7-9).

14.5. The Lake of Fire
The next group to be resurrected will be of the non-believers and these will be all who never called on the name of Jesus for forgiveness or sought to live according to the Word of God, before Christ came the second time, plus all who did not live according to the Law before Christ came the first time. This is a physical resurrection unto condemnation where shame and everlasting damnation will be revealed to the resurrected unbelievers (Daniel 12:2- John 5:29- Acts 24:15). The physical resurrection (Matthew 10:28 – John 5:26-29) will be to show to all the consistency of God’s law, the condemned will see their own unrighteousness (Job 9:3 – Isaiah 64:6) compared to God’s righteousness and they will go into the lake of fire (Romans 2:5, 6).

We must all face our sins and repent now because after death there is no right of appeal found in the Bible. There is no record in the Bible to say that your loved ones can pray or pay your way out of hell.

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